Saturday, October 8, 2011

And the journey begins...

Art is, in my opinion,  so much about taking a journey each time I pick up a brush to start a new painting.  Now, with the beginning of this blog, I embark on a new kind of journey.  It's a journey of words, mostly, with some images of my art posted to support or add to those words. 

My goal for this blog is to share with you, my readers, my journey as an artist and things I've learned that I hope may help others.  I also look forward to learning from you  as well through your comments. With the help of my wife, Gloria, as my proof reader and "editor", I will do my best to create a blog worthy of your continued interest, following and participation.  Please don't hesitate to let me know how you feel. 

So, it is with these wise words from one of baseball's finest, I will close out my first, and hopefully not last, blog:
"If you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra


dean12995 said...

Another "inspirational" comment by Yogi to remember was "It ain't over 'till it's over" Very profound!

Bill Tomsa said...

His wisdom is beyond measure!

Daniel Corey said...

hey Bill, welcome to the blog world! I look forward to reading about your adventures.

Bill Tomsa said...

Thanks for the welcome and your help on this blog, Dan. I'll do my best to keep it interesting.